The appliances are plugged in, the sink and handwash are connected and we are well tired...all for the good cause of baking though! The last "big thing" to be done is the partition between the kitchen and shop part to be built, and Kenny is working at it as I type this =^.^=
I twisted my neck yesterday...that's not helping gnrffff But I have great plans to be in full form again by tomorrow and keep on painting away over the week end. I'm planning to start baking on monday and get used of the new oven...I'll have to adjust some of the temperatures and times of cooking and make sure everything is perfect!
The pictures speak for themselves on the progress:
The sign has left our living room...just a small frame to go around it
Will have a big cleaning session soon!
Kenny working hard!
Marc is a fantastic painter and doing a gorgeous window!
Big thank you to Noel for the article in "The Bridge"!
(Pls Click to enlarge)
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